FAB Beginnings

Today I have been invited by the group Thriving Filipino Circle to speak about my experience on how I was able to open my business. I talked about the many reasons why one would, and also the many reason why we don’t go for it, or think that we can’t; how some reasons eventually become excuses.
Mine were because I was seeking support and fear of failure. And I told them about how even though you find opportunities to be supported, if you do not believe in yourself, then nothing will happen. The only thing you really need is you.
I spoke about my healings and coaches, and my investments towards knowing myself — Because who is your number 1 employee? Whose opinion will matter the most in your business? The most important conversations is going to be with yourself --- so you need to know how to be your own critic, your own cheerleader, and your own hand holder. ✨
I end this post with a note to myself:
Dear Ayen, I am super proud of you, and all that you have achieved. I am proud of you for hanging on when things get tough. I love you, i love you, I love you. 💕
